Details & Book

Action implemented using the POR funding - Objective “Investment for growth and employment” part of the FERS European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 Axis / Action

New restaurant, at a higher level than the previous one so that even while sitting you can still enjoy a sea view.

The new kitchen, with cutting-edge equipment, includes the pizzeria. Apart from the restaurant it will supply a take-away service and a deli, which is integrated this year into the building and will provide a wide range of delicacies.

The restaurant dining room consists of a large terrace overlooking the sea that can be opened up completely; even in low season when enclosed in glass, the client can enjoy the sensation of being in the open air. There is an open view over the kitchen, both from within the restaurant and from the campsite pathways.

From an architectural viewpoint, the goal was to integrate the building into the surrounding environment, with simple and linear lines, also integrating the outdoor terrace cover into the extended area. Flowerbeds and vertical green walls border the whole area: the venue is always air conditioned to offer the most comfortable experience possible.

The building is equipped with a photovoltaic system that serves to compensate for power consumption, and a rainwater harvesting system that is then used for the irrigation of the greenery surrounding the restaurant.

Furthermore, the campsite web page is to be updated with an online order service, both for the restaurant, for table and menu bookings, and for take away or deli orders. Soon a delivery service to your accommodation will also be added.

Outside the campsite

What happens at the Europa Camping Village? Previews, news and advice.

Read our blog, you will find articles, curiosities and a rich calendar of events and activities of the Europa Camping Village. Consult this section for information on the area and suggestions for trips to the Venice lagoon and Cavallino Treporti.

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Europa Camping Village si rifà il look: il 2023 sarà un anno di grandi novità per questo meraviglioso camping 5 stelle immerso nel verde silenzioso ed incontaminato di una pineta a breve distanza da Cavallino Treporti e dalla celebre Jesolo. Se già eri abituato ai numerosi comfort offerti da Europa Camping Village, come la spa,… Leggi tutto

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